The Boxer
Mandela Poster project
The 'Mandela Poster project celebrates Nelson Mandela’s contribution to humanity with an open call for submissions from the creative community to create a poster or series of posters. The project aims to collect exceptional posters from around the world and collate them into an online publication and travelling exhibition.
All designers and artists are invited to celebrate the life of the globally beloved icon Nelson Mandela by creating a poster or series of posters . The collection will be launched on 18 July 2013.
The project is not for gain and is coordinated by an independent team of volunteers. The poster collection and all proceeds that may arise from the project will be donated to the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital Trust to aid in the establishment of a dedicated children’s hospital in Johannesburg.
The Mandela Poster Project is endorsed by Icograda as part of its own 50th anniversary celebrations.

This is my submission for the series entitled 'The Boxer' and is a depiction of a young Nelson Mandela and is inspired by the critically acclaimed Spike Lee film, "Do the right thing".
The piece particularly pays homage to one of the iconic characters in the film, 'Radio Raheem' whose story about life, and how Love (UTHANDO) defeated hate echoes Mandela's philosophy on human rights, forgiveness and reconciliation which contributed to the abolition of Apartheid in South Africa.

*All Artwork copyright © Sindiso Nyoni and/ or their respective clients.