World Communication Design Day 2013
1Word1Love (CreativeCromwell Rd Showcase)
JCDecaux (UK) showcased 50 posters from 50 designers across The Cromwell Road Digital Gateway portfolio of digital poster sites over the weekend of 27 and 28 April 2013 and on Monday 29th April for World Communication Design Day in conjuction with Icograda.
As a celebration of design and outdoor, each piece of creative received multiple screenings across the nine digital screens during the showcase. In partnership with Icograda, the International Council of Communication Design, and to celebrate World Communication Design Day, the world’s most promising design talent from countries including the UK, the USA, Canada, China, South Korea, South Africa, Mexico, Germany and Russia had their work displayed across the iconic London Cromwell Road Digital Gatewayportfolio.
The 50 design pieces reflected this year’s 50th anniversary of Icograda and demonstrate the flexibility of digital outdoor - 50 posters celebrating 50 years from every continent around the globe. Under the theme of ‘1Love1Word’ new and original creative design work was selected from some of the most cutting-edge designers across the world.
The 50 design pieces reflected this year’s 50th anniversary of Icograda and demonstrate the flexibility of digital outdoor - 50 posters celebrating 50 years from every continent around the globe. Under the theme of ‘1Love1Word’ new and original creative design work was selected from some of the most cutting-edge designers across the world.
This was my submission for the event:
Title: 'Amandla' - All power to the Dreamers
The piece is a homage to the 'grassroots' poster movements of South Africa and the Mozambique revolutions of the 70's and 80's. The title 'Amandla' means/translates to 'Power' in Zimbabwean Ndebele and Zulu, and the imagery is a depiction of a Visual artist. The inspiration behind the depiction and title refers to the role of creatives as the 'dreamers' who have the ability and responsibilty to effect change in societies using their art.
In early 2013 I was invited to take part in a communication design workshop for youths from the Eastlands of Nairobi in connection with an NGO/Youth centre based in Nairobi. It was my first time conducting an
illustration workshop and I was inspired by the optimism of the youths I was in contact with during the
workshop hence the term 'the dreamers' in the title of my WCDD piece. Their overall outlook on life given their harsh circumstances is inspired by their hunger to use creativity for growth and as a vehicle for social
change and upliftment in their communities. This same ethos is also something I've believed in for the duration of my experiences as a creative and a philosophy I advocate fully.
